Tuesday, December 16, 2008


It's a busy time folks. Christmas is coming, the geese are getting fat, and all that jazz. I have to do final performances with my kids at school and go to parties and banquets and weddings - it's a hard life. So, blogging tends to fall to the wayside.

Please just know that I'm making yummy food (and some of you will even get to eat it). Today it's chocolate fudge and spicy molasses cookies, to be given away tomorrow (so I've got to work quickly).

Cross your fingers that you get some baked goods from me and never buy fat free kosher marshmallows. They are not that good.


Meredith said...

My marshmallows are fat free and kosher (not blessed by a priest, but they have no dairy or anything in them.) But they're homemade, so perhaps that's what makes them awesome.

Yay christmas baking! I too have been partaking, as you may well find out tomorrow...

Meredith said...

oh yeah
I meant rabbi